The FPFP label

Use the collective power of sport

Every single action matters

Fair Play For Planet has developed the first eco-responsible label for clubs, sites and sports events: the FPFP label. The FPFP label has been created thanks to a comprehensive approach of the fight against global warming. It allows sport organizations to improve their economic development model while taking care of people and environment.

The requirement of the FPFP label gives sports entities of all sizes and all sports concrete axes to strengthen their eco-performance. The Fair Play For Planet approach is articulated around operational, efficient, measurable and virtuous actions.

The FPFP label :

A responsible commitment

A sustainable approach

A collective and unifying project

The complementarity of people serving the planet

As in professional sport, everyone’s commitment is the strength of the group.

The team

The 6 partners and operational teams are convinced that the values of sport can play a key role in initiating societal change and encouraging better environmental practices, and they bring the FPFP label to life for as many people as possible in response to the world's growing demand for companies to reduce their environmental impact.

Julien Pierre


He is a former rugby player who played for Stade Rochelais, CS Bourgoin-Jallieu, ASM Clermont Auvergne, and Section Paloise, Julien has oriented his career to entrepreneurship. He is the Fair Play For Planet’s founder and the Play For Nature’s president.

Discover the profil

Jean-Paul Lalanne

Financial and Administrative Director

Jean-Paul is an engineer and has been graduated in industrial systems engineering. It was his experience in the national navy that made him aware of environmental and climate issues. He has worked in the field of asbestos abatement and demolition and is very concerned with waste recovery and recycling issues.

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Charlotte Chaix

Communication and event manager

Charlotte is in charge of communication and events at Fair Play For Planet. Sensitive to the environmental cause and belonging to the sports ecosystem, she contributes to the development of the label's brand image and influence.
Formation : Bachelor of law - AMU ; Master Sport Business - AMOS

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Emmanuelle Demoures

Project Manager

Emmanuelle is in charge of national and international development projects at Fair Play For Planet. As a volleyball player, captain of her club and President of the SciencesPo teams, she knows the ins and outs of the associative world inside out. Formation : SciencesPo Bordeaux ; Masters in International Management & Sports Management - Geneva Business School

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FPFP Philosophy

The role of sport for climate change

To meet the huge challenge facing future generations, it was necessary to mobilize all the levers of the sports world in order to rapidly change the behaviors of individuals and companies. It was also necessary to build a rigorous, ethical, and visionary approach.

A rigorous approach

Our process

The FPFP certification is subject to an approved methodology by the Ethic and Strategy Committee.

The award, withdrawal, suspension or maintenance of the FPFP label are clearly defined in our labeling process.

The identification of the environmental characteristics and the rating system of Fair Play For Planet was carried out by ADEME, the French Ecological Transition Agency, in collaboration with a committee of experts made up of experts in sustainable development, environmental protection and athletes from a variety of sports disciplines.

An ethical approach

Our Ethic Committee

The FPFP Ethic and Strategy Committee is composed of 10 members. They meet for the sake of parity and inclusiveness in complete independence and impartiality. They may be requested by Fair Play For Planet to issue its directive when awarding, withdrawing, suspending or maintaining the FPFP label.

Its missions:

  • Advise and support of the management committee
  • Promote FPFP’s ethical values
  • Monitoring of Fair Play For Planet activities
  • Strategical advises

A visionary approach

Our commitments

Compliance with ADEME recommendations to limit the environmental footprint. Fair Play For Planet is committed to:

  • Limit your air travel by focusing on train or videoconferencing
  • Favour public transport or cycling
  • Participate to the Play For Nature Colibri project through giving a part of our revenue to the protection of the environment.
  • Choose and ecological webhost

Auditors appointed by Fair Play For Planet sign the Auditors' Code of Conduct as part of the audits of organizations applying for the FPFP label.

FPFP Partners


Our partners support us at all levels of our action. Schools, institutions, medias, they are all important actors in their fields and are altruistic, human, and profoundly future-oriented organizations.

Next to Far Play For Planet since day one, they guarantee the durability of our actions. Through their presence and involvement, they contribute to the development of Fair Play For Planet and its impact on as many organizations as possible.

As an ESUS approved Social and Solidarity Economy company, we are also involved in many national and international communities to help bring about change.

